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MIDI-OX >> Wish List >> toggle between two values
(Message started by: electrofux on Oct 10th, 2003, 9:05am)

Title: toggle between two values
Post by electrofux on Oct 10th, 2003, 9:05am

many Audio Mixer applications (in my case the creamware pulsar mixer) need two different controller values (0 and 127) for muting and unmuting channels.Therefore i would like to see an option in the data mapping mask where i can define an output that toggles between two controller values when a specific input (note or controller value) is received.
With that one can use a simple midi keyboard to mute channels in those applications.
Other applications like Reason have a couple of values of the same controller assigned to e g the waveform selector of  the lfo or the filter type. I could imagine a list of controller values that ist stepped through when a specific controller is received at the input. The second wish is not that important but the first one would be extremely usefull.

Title: Re: toggle between two values
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 10th, 2003, 12:02pm
The MIDI spec. suggests that any controller that has an on/off state instead of continuous data interpret data less than 64 as OFF and data greater than or equal to 64 as ON.

You can perform a mapping today that will convert into a controller value of 0 and another map item that will convert to a controller value of 127.  So one note can map into mute ON and another note can map into mute OFF.  One problem with a toggle state is having a history: was the mute ON or OFF when communication began?  There is no possible feedback from the device to tell you that.

Title: Re: toggle between two values
Post by electrofux on Oct 11th, 2003, 4:15am

mapping the on and off state to two keyboards keys is an option that i have tried out before, but that isn't really handy.
Concernig the history: Midi Ox could always start with the on state and the first time you press a key it toggles to off and then on and off and so on. That way midi ox could keep track of the different states.
Sure when you have a Mixer Project saved with a couple of channels muted and then you reload that project again there are some conflicts but nothing really serious. The advantage to being able to mute the channels would outweight that, at least for me. ;)


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