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MIDI-OX >> Wish List >> QWERTY Thru
(Message started by: BiCho on Oct 23rd, 2001, 5:21pm)

Title: QWERTY Thru
Post by BiCho on Oct 23rd, 2001, 5:21pm
I wish MIDI-OX had a sort of qwerty thru for the computer keyboard. in that way you could assign some keys to MIDI and leave the rest untouched so the rest of the keyboard can still be used for shortcuts (that's what they invented them for  ;) )

Title: Re: QWERTY Thru
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 23rd, 2001, 9:32pm
Well, you can use ALT+A, ALT+K to toggle the MIDI keyboard off and on.  Other than that, I think it might be pretty difficult to setup a Piano Keyboard with controllers, and still leave enough keys for shortcuts.

Title: Re: QWERTY Thru
Post by BiCho on Oct 24th, 2001, 12:39am
Emmm. sorry, it doesn't work. Alt-A simply opens the menu with the underlined A (on the foremost window) and Alt-K does the same (although i rarely have a menu with a 'k' on it)


Maybe I'm a bit dumb? Does your shortcut work only when MIDI-OX is the foremost window?  Does it work whatever application is being focused?

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Title: Re: QWERTY Thru
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 24th, 2001, 9:22am
I didn't explain that right: Press and hold ALT, then Press A, with ALT still down, Press K -- so it's: ALT+A+K

It will only work when MIDI-OX is the foremost Window (and therefore has the keyboard focus).

Title: Re: QWERTY Thru
Post by BiCho on Oct 24th, 2001, 9:59am
alright, that's understood. now, if a shortcut could be activated from any window, you could activate the keys whenever you want to play an instrument and deactivate it when you want to use the program's usual shortcuts, that would be very functional, wouldn't it?

Title: Re: QWERTY Thru
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 24th, 2001, 11:27am
OK, I see what is being requested better now.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I am not sure that we could accomplish this under current Windows architecture, because the active application (the one with the focus) receives all of the keystrokes from the keyboard.  The only way around this is by implementing a CBT (computer based training) hook, which can negatively impact system performance; but we will still add the item to the wish list.

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