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MIDI-OX >> Questions and Discussion >> Incrementing patch numbers?
(Message started by: The Realms of Gold on Jun 26th, 2008, 9:44pm)

Title: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by The Realms of Gold on Jun 26th, 2008, 9:44pm
Hi all, I've got a problem interfacing between the software Finale and my external synth, a Kurzweil PC3x. Finale can only transmit patch numbers as 0-127, and the synth can only read them in 1-128. The result of this is if I want patch number N on the board, I have to tell Finale to use patch number N+1. This is a slight pain in the butt. Is there any way MIDI-Ox can increment the patch data by 1 to solve this?

Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by Peter L Jones on Jun 27th, 2008, 12:46pm
"1-128" is the human form of "0-127".  They're the same thing.  Ignore it.

Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by The Realms of Gold on Jul 20th, 2008, 12:35am
Heh, I do all the time. I guess I didn't explain my problem properly. If I want patch, say, 74 on the board, I have to program Finale to send patch 75. But if I type 75 into the board, 75 comes up, of course. For an orchestral composer using dozens of different patches on this external board, some of which are only one number apart, having to constantly manually increment the patches on the computer, but not on the board, is irritating and a waste of time. Is there a way I can program MIDI-Ox to add 1 to the outgoing patch information so I can program the correct numbers in Finale?

Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by Breath on Aug 11th, 2008, 11:53am
Go to the Options/data mapping dialog and insert a new line
         Channel  Event type   Min   Max
Input      Any         ProgChg   1      127
Output    Any         ProgChg   0      127

This will map 0 to 0 , 1 to 0,  2 to 1 .......126 to 125,  127 to 126 - so you can't select patch 127
Turn Map On (after OK) should be ticked

The output of Finale should be connected to MidiYoke1 in
In MidiOx join MidiYoke1 output to you PC Midi adapter that is connected to the synth

Hope this helps


Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by The Realms of Gold on Sep 29th, 2008, 10:52pm
That didn't work -- it seems as long as a number in the input range is available in the output range, it just uses that number. Any other possibilities?

Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by The Realms of Gold on Sep 29th, 2008, 11:12pm
Turns out we were both wrong. Selecting the following:

Input - Any - ProgChg - 0 - 127
Output - Match - Match - 1 - 127

fixed the problem. Patch 0 is not selectable, now, not 127.

Turns out the solution is kind of useless. Kurzweil banks are in groups of 100, so not being able to use patch 127 isn't a problem. But if I ever need patch, say, 500 (bank 5 + patch 0), I can't have it if I implement this fix (whereas before I could just send patch 1). I can select a different patch numbering method in which patches are in traditional 128-voice banks, but the onboard touchpad and screen are permanently oriented around the 100 system, so I'd rather not, as it would just make things confusing.

Oh well...

Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by Breath on Sep 30th, 2008, 2:12am
I am a bit  surprised at this.

Patch Change = PC

  Finale PC 0 -> Synth 1
but you want
  Finale PC 1 -> Synth 1
  Finale PC 1 -> MidiOx 1 to 0 -> Synth 1
In short you want MidiOx to decrement the PC by 1

The In should be 1 to 127 and the Out should be 0 126

This works perfectly for me.
Finale -> MidiYoke -> MidiOx -> MidiInterface -> Synth

Title: Re: Incrementing patch numbers?
Post by The Realms of Gold on Oct 5th, 2008, 5:12pm
Breath, you got it backwards -- patch 1 in Finale turns into 0 on the PC3x. So to select, say, program 405 (bank 4, program 005), I have to program Finale to send bank 4, program 006. To select program 239, I send bank 2, program 40. To select program 000, I send bank 0, program 1, and so on.

That's why the workaround we came up with doesn't work perfectly. Finale doesn't let me select program numbers lower than 1 (i.e., 0), and there's no way to force it to number 0-127 instead of 1-128. So if I ever need a program whose number on the PC3x is 0, such as 500 or 600, I can't use it.

(By the way, I use the word "program" for "patch" since that's what Kurzweil calls 'em.)

Any other ideas?

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