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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
(Message started by: Zifle on Mar 16th, 2013, 10:08pm)

Title: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by Zifle on Mar 16th, 2013, 10:08pm
I have two screens.  If I have midiox on the left monitor, and right click anywhere in midiox, the menu appears on the far right hand side of my 2nd (righthand) monitor.

Using Win7, 64bit

Title: Re: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by Isaac Sofy on Jun 1st, 2013, 5:52am
I am also using MIDI-OX and I am not facing any such issue.I think there must be some issue in computer resolution.Have you tried it using on any other machine?

Title: Re: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by Zifle on Jun 1st, 2013, 11:24am
I don't have another computer with two screens available.  Midiox has to decide which monitor to open the menu on, and both monitors are the same resolution, so I doubt it's a resolution issue.

Title: Re: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by 4x4uk on Jun 1st, 2013, 6:41pm
have you tried moving the menu when it pops up from the right screen to the left screen.  I have a few programs that open pop up windows and when you move the main program to the secondary monitor often the popups open on the wrong screen .  Once moved they re-open in the right location

Title: Re: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by Zifle on Sep 24th, 2013, 2:57am
4x4uk:  Right-click Context menus can't be moved, unlike actual windows.  Unfortunately.

Title: Re: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by DidrikM on Nov 7th, 2013, 12:36pm
I'm having this problem as well. Since Isaac said he didn't have that issue, I tried to figure out why it doesn't happen to him but to me and Zifle.
It turns out that this only happens when the primary display (the one where the desktop and the task bar are located) is on the right side. If the primary display is on the right, and the you right click on the non-primary display, the menu shows up on the far right side of the primary (right) display.

If the primary display is on the left, this problem does not happen. (I have not tested other geometries like having the screens top/bottom, but at least I can consistently reproduce and fix the problem.)

For reference, my OS is Windows 7, 64-bit.

Title: Re: Right-clicked menu shows on wrong screen
Post by DidrikM on Nov 26th, 2013, 9:18am
I've realized that this bug is not simply cosmetic. When right clicking the log window and menu appears on the wrong screen, it lacks the clipboard options, ie behaves as if you clicked the background of the main window.

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