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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> MIDI OX: Prophet 5 & 10 sysex dump error
(Message started by: jerome on Sep 10th, 2010, 4:31pm)

Title: MIDI OX: Prophet 5 & 10 sysex dump error
Post by jerome on Sep 10th, 2010, 4:31pm

I can't dump sysex from my prophet 10 to MIDI OX (windows xp).

Each time MIDI OX freezes.

Here is a known sysex problem with Prophet 5 & 10:
"The system exclusive message does not contain an 'end-of-exclusive' (EOX) byte."

F7H is missing a the end of prophet 5 & 10 sysex dump.

I tried different programs and each time it freezes except with Jomox SysExDumper v3.5.

Jomox SysExDumper v3.5 recognize a sysex dump from the prophet 10 but doesn't go further as it is configured to show only Jomox synths sysex dump.

Perhaps you can modify MIDI OX to recognize sysex without the EOX.

Prophet 10 sysex dump begins with:
F0 01 04
the dumpsize is 68 bytes.

Thank you.

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