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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> Can't send SysEx after starting with profile
(Message started by: eriksb on Mar 3rd, 2006, 10:29am)

Title: Can't send SysEx after starting with profile
Post by eriksb on Mar 3rd, 2006, 10:29am
When I start MIDI-OX with a profile on the command line, I can't send SysEx's to any output device. I get the error message: "SysEx Output Devices: The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been transmitted, and then try again."

After closing MIDI-OX and restarting it with no profile in the command line, everything works fine.

Title: Re: Can't send SysEx after starting with profile
Post by Jamie OConnell on Mar 3rd, 2006, 3:12pm
Usually that message means that data is being sent too quickly.  Go into SysEx View and look in SysEx | Configure... to adjust your delays.  Then resave the profile to include that information.

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