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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> Win98 MMSYSTEM crash after cc to midi mapping
(Message started by: Jens on Feb 3rd, 2005, 4:25pm)

Title: Win98 MMSYSTEM crash after cc to midi mapping
Post by Jens on Feb 3rd, 2005, 4:25pm

I installed midiox 7 on my win98SE system with a Guillmot ISIS Soundcard and a M-Audio Midisport 4x4 MIDI Expander.

As soon as I try to map a CC message to a sysex string midiox is not capable to send and receive any midi message. If I try to restart midiox I get the message "DevCaps Out: Unknow Device: MMSYSTEM002 Eine der verwendeten Geräte-IDs liegt ausserhalb des zulässigen Bereichs Ihres Systems" and I have to reboot the system to obtain access to the midi interfaces.

Well, I already played with the buffer sizes. With a buffer size of 4 Bytes/128 Buffers I can see the sysex message at the output monitoring windows. With a buffer size of 1024 Bytes/64 Buffers I can't see anything.

The crash occurs if i use the internal midi ports of the soundcard as well as any midi port at the usb midi expander.

I verified my proceeding with a windows XP system where the CC messages is mapped to the sysex string without any problems.

So it seems to be an internal buffer management problem.

Anyone can help ? Do I need to compile anything locally on my win98 system ?

abc Jens

Title: Re: Win98 MMSYSTEM crash after cc to midi mapping
Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 6th, 2005, 8:54pm
I'm not sure what is happening, but as you may have surmised, we no longer have the capability to test on Windows 98.  You might try using one of the older MIDI-OX versions:

Title: Re: Win98 MMSYSTEM crash after cc to midi mapping
Post by Jens on Feb 8th, 2005, 2:31pm
Hi Jamie,

with 6.51 it's the same procedure.

with 6.20 the system crashes with a hardware debugging message.

Did you test these versions with windows 98 ?

Anyway it seems that it could be hard to solve my problem. If you like we could make some debugging. But I am not so familar with programming. If you can give me a debugging version of midiox 7 I would send you the output.

Do have an idea of an other program which can be used to transform midi CC messages to sysex messages. Maybe its easier   to go this way.

Best regards


Title: Re: Win98 MMSYSTEM crash after cc to midi mapping
Post by Jamie OConnell on Feb 17th, 2005, 1:43pm
What is the SysEx string you are mapping to?  Is it possible that it is not a legal SysEx?

Title: Re: Win98 MMSYSTEM crash after cc to midi mapping
Post by Jens on Feb 25th, 2005, 4:56pm
Hi Jamie,

it is defenitly a legal string because I am able to send it with the sysex editor without any problems. (F0 33 01 09 40 00 F7: it triggers a controller value transmission of a clavia nord rack 3)

The problem only occurs if I try to trigger a sysex transmission,. (e.g. with a CC message comming from my midi controller device) Additionally I tried some different strings and other destination devices (e.g the midi out port of the soundcard to check out problems with the mmsystem => USB communication).

I already tried to setup a delay between the reception of the CC message and the transmission of the sysex string. Sometimes I can see the sysex string at the output monitor but the destination device is not receiving it and the driver crashes anyway.

Does the software take care of the sysex timing settings when it sends a sysex string ?

What differences are between the midiox sysex editor and the transmission of sysex files started from the API ?

Does the sysex editior use the same API and procedure when it generates the strings. Maybe some parameters are only initialized if the editor is using the sysex functions  instead of the API.

I am going to look for some patches of the mmsystem driver.

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