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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> Filtering bug
(Message started by: digital_mayhem on Jan 5th, 2003, 1:56pm)

Title: Filtering bug
Post by digital_mayhem on Jan 5th, 2003, 1:56pm
Hi Jamie,

I am running the latest version of midiox (very funny with the moving ok button) ;D  (This also happened on the last version too). I am using Win98 with an SW1000XG card

I noticed what I think maybe a bug - I can't see any other explination for the following occurence:

See the following picture:



This shows me pressing program changes "0 to 5" on ch16 from my evolution MK149 keyboard. The results can be seen in the input monitor.
As you can see, I am using program change numbers "0 to 2" on ch16 to load up data maps which work fine.
I also have filtering on which is filtering out Bank MSB & LSB cc nos. 0 & 32 OK.


It's also supposed to be filtering out program changes but it seems a couple are getting through.

Please let me know if you want any more info & thanks for the very cool app.


Title: Re: Filtering bug
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jan 6th, 2003, 2:40am
Nice screen shot!  I think what you are seeing is a bit of a hack I added to appease complaints that the Prog Change that triggered the Map load was gobbled up.  So I added some code to explicitely route the Prog. Change back through the new map.  Maybe I need to make this user configurable?

Title: Re: Filtering bug
Post by digital_mayhem on Jan 6th, 2003, 4:37am
Thanks for the reply. I really don't mind or understand the workings or concequences of what you are asking, it's just that soon, I'll be needing to stop the program change going through, because if I have Reaktor on the other side, it will change the snap shot of the instrument I am playing. Obviously this is not critical or urgent, it would just make things smoother for me - your map change is really handy! So perhaps I should leave this with you - and once again a big thanks for your indispencable proggy!

Title: Just had a brainwave
Post by digital_mayhem on Jan 6th, 2003, 5:13am
Just thought - it would be useful to be able to filter out channel specific program changes so that program changes for one channel can be used just for midiox patch mapping & then be filtered out - while allowing program changes on other channels to go through as normal not effecting the patch mapping & bybassing the filter - just an idea....

Title: Re: Filtering bug
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jan 6th, 2003, 10:49am
I think I'll treat this as a bug, and try to make it work right.  That is, if it's filtered, it should not be sent.  

Just thought - it would be useful to be able to filter out channel specific program changes so that program changes for one channel can be used just for midiox patch mapping & then be filtered out - while allowing program changes on other channels to go through as normal not effecting the patch mapping & bybassing the filter - just an idea....

You can pretty much do that now, by using a Mapping specification for Prog. Change to 'discard' the message for the particular channel of interest.  In other words, try using the mapping specification using Discard instead of the filter.

Title: Re: Filtering bug
Post by digital_mayhem on Jan 7th, 2003, 1:50am
Ok, I got my head around it now. & It sound like everything will work out, thanks for clearing that up.

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