Title: MIDIOx kills Kenton Plugstation? Post by Domagoj on Sep 16th, 2002, 9:16am First my configuration: Sw1000XG+DS2416, XGPad1.65, AN1xEdit (or AN Expert Editor), Cubase 5.1 (or Cubase SX), MIDIOx6.5, MIDIYoke1.70, Win XP Proffesional, Kenton Plugstation, Kenton Control Freak. Everything worked just fine until I tried to add Kenton Plugstation to everything else. When AN1x send MIDI to KP it just go crazy. Desplay flashes, Cubase MIDI Out showes permanent activity. Then I tried MIDIOverLAN and KP started to feel good again. So I guess that MIDIOx is a problem. |
Title: Re: MIDIOx kills Kenton Plugstation? Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 16th, 2002, 11:13am From your message, I don't see how MIDI-OX is involved? Is it running when you send AN1x MIDI to KP? Does KP go crazy when MIDI-OX is not running? Why do you suspect MIDI-OX is your problem? Are you really referring to MIDI Yoke? |
Title: Or is it me? Post by Domagoj on Sep 16th, 2002, 5:39pm I guess you're right. I did it without starting MIDIOx and it's all right. I'm cofused cause I always did it with putting MIDIOx between my editors and Cubase. Perhaps the fault is on Yamaha and Kenton cause they never explicitly explain how to setup your setup step-by-step. Thanks a lot! |
Title: Re: Or is it me? Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 17th, 2002, 2:24am on 09/16/02 at 17:39:39, Domagoj wrote:
MIDI-OX or MIDI Yoke (or MIDI-OX and MIDI Yoke)? If MIDI Yoke is involved, it is possible you have a MIDI feedback loop of some sort. Make sure a MIDI Yoke Output port is not connected to the same number MIDI Yoke Input port within the same application or within a loop. |
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