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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> Port number in scripts doesn't match
(Message started by: Lynn on Mar 27th, 2002, 10:14pm)

Title: Port number in scripts doesn't match
Post by Lynn on Mar 27th, 2002, 10:14pm
The port number returned by the GetInPortID method does not agree with the port value returned in the GetMidiInput method.

Run example script below to illustrate this problem.  Also compare output of this script with the port numbers as showin in the Midi-Ox INPUT MONITOR and OUTPUT MONITOR windows.

SECOND PROBLEM: when a script is being used the port number shown in the OUTPUT MONITOR window is always displayed as 0, regardless of what the output port number really is.

THIRD PROBLEM: when a script is NOT being used (no divert), the port number shown in the OUTPUT MONITOR window is the port number of the INPUT device -- not the OUTPUT device as expected.

option explicit

dim mox
dim str, strWrk, id, ts, port, stat, dat1, dat2, A, msgStr

Set mox = WScript.CreateObject("MIDIOX.MOXScript.1")    ' New interface

str = "Open MIDI In Devices: " & mox.OpenMidiInCount & vbCrLf
strWrk = mox.GetFirstOpenMidiInDev

Do while strWrk <> ""
  id = mox.GetInPortID( strWrk )
  str = str & vbCrLf & CStr( id ) & ")  " & strWrk
  strWrk = mox.GetNextOpenMidiInDev

MsgBox Str

str = "Open MIDI Out Devices: " & mox.OpenMidiOutCount & vbCrLf
strWrk = mox.GetFirstOpenMidiOutDev

Do while strWrk <> ""
  id = mox.GetOutPortID( strWrk )
  str = str & vbCrLf & CStr( id ) & ")  " & strWrk
  strWrk = mox.GetNextOpenMidiOutDev

MsgBox Str

mox.DivertMidiInput = 1
mox.FireMidiInput = 0
Do While mox.ShouldExitScript = 0
  msgStr = mox.GetMidiInput()
  If (msgStr <> "") and (mox.DivertMidiInput = 1) Then
     A = Split( msgStr, ",", -1, vbTextCompare )
     ts   = Int(A(0))
     port = Int(A(1))
     stat = Int(A(2))
     dat1 = Int(A(3))
     dat2 = Int(A(4))
     MsgBox "port=" & CStr( port )
     mox.OutputMidiMsg -1, stat, dat1, dat2
  End If

Title: Re: Port number in scripts doesn't match
Post by Jamie OConnell on Mar 28th, 2002, 4:25am

The port number returned by the GetInPortID method does not agree with the port value returned in the GetMidiInput method.

At first glance it does appear that there is a one off bug regarding input port number.  I'll have to review that.

SECOND PROBLEM: when a script is being used the port number shown in the OUTPUT MONITOR window is always displayed as 0, regardless of what the output port number really is.

THIRD PROBLEM: when a script is NOT being used (no divert), the port number shown in the OUTPUT MONITOR window is the port number of the INPUT device -- not the OUTPUT device as expected.

Both of these items are related and due to the fact that the port number shown is always the input port, regardless of whether you're looking at the input or the output monitor.  But, when data is coming out of the scripting engine it no longer is associated with an input port, and thus a value of 0 is used.

If we were to accurately display each output event in the output monitor for each output port, we would technically have to double each output event for each target port. IMO that would be undesirable, and the main reason why the Port Status window was developed: so you could get an indication of this data.

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