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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> New SBLive drivers bug
(Message started by: Om_Audio on Jan 26th, 2002, 7:59am)

Title: New SBLive drivers bug
Post by Om_Audio on Jan 26th, 2002, 7:59am

It seems that when I try to map the input of my SBLive to the Out A of my Midiman 2x2 I get an error which only says: "SBLive MIDI UART:" and nothing else- and the map does not stick- I am selecting the input- then dragging it to the output- the viewer shows In/Out port is closed 2x then when I close the error dialog it shows In/Out port opened 2x-

Actually- I just tried to simply select the input and close the mapping screen and the same error occured.

I bet it is this new driver Microshaft installed for my Live card- I will try to re-install older drivers and see if I can fix this problem. The In/Outs used to be listed separately on the Live but now it just says UART-



... ok- I uninstalled the driver update from Windows Update site and it all works fine now-

If it ain't broke... (but I always hope for better performance!)


Title: Re: New SBLive drivers bug
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jan 26th, 2002, 7:02pm
Thanks.  As it happens, there is a bug in the error message reporting in MIDI-OX, that I just fixed.  But, I'm glad it is working for you.  I have been having a nightmare with the new SB Live! drivers at work on Win 2000.

Title: Re: New SBLive drivers bug
Post by Mr_Patch on Sep 8th, 2003, 3:07pm
I got rid of my Creative Labs drivers 3 weeks ago and am so glad I did. Some fellows from Russia have written the KX drivers that support the SB Live and Audigy. http://kxproject.lugosoft.com/. The drivers are rock solid and play soundfonts flawlessly. Until a few revs ago they wouldn’t support Vienna but that has changed so when my Creative Labs driver crashed for the 20th time I gave them another try. They are superior in every way with one exception; they take a little longer to load soundfonts.

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