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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> System standby hang-up
(Message started by: BiCho on Jan 12th, 2002, 6:33pm)

Title: System standby hang-up
Post by BiCho on Jan 12th, 2002, 6:33pm
Hello everybody.

I'm a lover of Midiox. It has been a very helpful tool for my music creation. I'm still waiting for the next version. When will it be out? The following is both a Wish and a Bug. Here it goes:

I wish that Midiox could receive the joystick input and transform it into MIDI messages, and i wish that the joystick port could be used simultaneously as a MIDI port too. It can be donde with one of those cables that convert the Joystick port into MIDI I/O cables leaving you with the option to connect your jostick. And when using this setting, Fruity Loops can recognize both. So you can use your MIDI keyboard to play notes while moving your joystick to control CCs. I would love to do this in Cubase/Logic/Cakewalk. And I know it can be done.

Now the bug. Every now and then I put my computer in standby mode, it works fine. However, if I have Midiox opened, the system never restores back. I have to press the reset button on my CPU to restart. I'm using a DFI P2XBL board running with a Pentium II-400 and Win98SE (MIDI-Ox ver. and DirectX 8.1. Could that be fixed for the next version?



Title: Re: System standby hang-up
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jan 12th, 2002, 10:07pm

on 01/12/02 at 18:33:11, BiCho wrote:
I wish that Midiox could receive the joystick input and transform it into MIDI messages, and i wish that the joystick port could be used simultaneously as a MIDI port too.

I'll add Joystick control to the Wish-list.  Have you tried MIDIJoy?  What is it about MIDIJoy that you need MIDI-OX to do differently?


Now the bug. Every now and then I put my computer in standby mode, it works fine. However, if I have Midiox opened, the system never restores back. I have to press the reset button on my CPU to restart. I'm using a DFI P2XBL board running with a Pentium II-400 and Win98SE (MIDI-Ox ver. and DirectX 8.1. Could that be fixed for the next version?

I'm afraid we don't have any control over 'standby' or 'hibernate' on XP.  The problem is likely caused by shutting down the system with open MIDI ports -- not a cool thing to do!  Are you able to go into and come out of standby with Cubase/Cakewalk/Logic running?  I'll look into it, but it'll likely get low priority -- you really should close any apps that have ports or files open before going into standby anyway.

I've been pretty pressed for time, but I've managed to do a series of small maintenance fixes for MIDI-OX.  I've been holding out for release until we get at least one new feature, but maybe I'll do a release anyway, if I don't get time to add any features soon.

Title: Re: System standby hang-up
Post by BiCho on Jan 19th, 2002, 11:49am

on 01/12/02 at 22:07:03, Jamie OConnell wrote:
I'll add Joystick control to the Wish-list.  Have you tried MIDIJoy?  What is it about MIDIJoy that you need MIDI-OX to do differently?

I've tried MIDIJoy indeed, but if i use it, the port can't be used as a traditional MIDI port simultaneously, which Fruity Loops can. so you can't play your MIDI keyboard and use the joystick at the same time

Title: Re: System standby hang-up
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jan 21st, 2002, 3:21pm
At first I wasn't sure what you were referring to.  I now see that there are two programs named MIDIJoy. The one I was referring to is now named VMIDIJoy.  Try this link: http://vellocet.com/software/VMIDIJoY.html

You can use a MIDI Yoke port to route it's output into whatever you like.

Title: Re: System standby hang-up
Post by BiCho on Jan 22nd, 2002, 9:14pm
Alright, thanks. it works just fine. however it would be far more comfortable if the proggie could be integrated into yours. one less program to open, less RAM, one less preset to load, one less crash....  ;)

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