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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Bug List >> More Known Bugs
(Message started by: Jamie OConnell on Oct 27th, 2001, 11:39am)

Title: More Known Bugs
Post by Jamie OConnell on Oct 27th, 2001, 11:39am
The following have been reported, and will be fixed in the next release:
  • Two problems associated with Instrument Definitions: 1) Prevent infinite recursion when a Bank is based on itself. 2) Repair parsing of certain .INS files.
  • A problem when loading Profiles: the PortMap is not always properly obeyed.

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Mr_Patch on Sep 8th, 2003, 2:58pm
Hi Jamie, thank you for this spectacular utility!

I have a problem that may be related to the problem #2 that you described. When I attach a .oxm translation to an output port, it seems to get lost when I save and reload a profile. Am I doing something wrong? I would love to have this feature because it allows me to send patch changes and controller info without notes to certain ports to set up my effects.

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 14th, 2003, 5:18pm
Are you using the Beta or the shipping version (6.5.1)?

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Mr_Patch on Sep 15th, 2003, 12:28pm
This seems to be happening for me with the Beta and the shipped version (6.5.1) under win95 and XP.

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Mr_Patch on Sep 16th, 2003, 10:03am
Also, I am using the drag & drop method attach the .oxm map from the Port Map Objects window to the Port Mapping window. Is there another method?

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 16th, 2003, 12:57pm
In the Beta, a Routings View has been added: View | Port Routings...   You can right-click on any connection line, choose Properties... and assign a map or remove an assignment.

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Mr_Patch on Sep 19th, 2003, 1:03pm
What a great GUI. Very useful and you can see the connections at a glance. I am playing with MIDI OX on a WIN2000 professional platform here at work (don’t tell my boss).

The connection Properties window works better than drag and drop but there are still some bugs. Here is what I have found out:

1.      You must have a map folder selected from the options menu if you want reliable operation when you attach an .oxm translation to an output port.

2.      When you save and recall a Profile not all of the .oxm translation file attachments are restored. I was experimenting with 2 inputs and 2 or 4 outputs providing 4 or 8 connections and filling all connections with a unique map file. Typically 2 out of 4 or 6 out of 8 map files get restored, the rest are cleared to “<none>”.

3.      If you look in the .ini file after you save the profile you only see some of the .oxm paths listed.

Title: Re: More Known Bugs
Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 28th, 2003, 11:28pm
1)  This is by design: only maps stored in the Maps folder (pointed to by Options | Folders...) are available to be attached to Ports.  It may be a limitation, but it's not a bug.

2) and 3) There was a problem with applying Profiles.  Thanks for the report.

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