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MIDI-OX >> Scripting Questions >> stabilizing Waveclock with Midi-OX script
(Message started by: ian92101 on Dec 2nd, 2013, 6:23pm)

Title: stabilizing Waveclock with Midi-OX script
Post by ian92101 on Dec 2nd, 2013, 6:23pm

I've been trying to integrate the Nord Modular Demo into my setup. Since it doesn't send or receive midi clock, I am generating a midi clock by running its audio output to Waveclock (http://wavesum.net/products.html#waveclock) which analyzes the BPM and produces a midi clock that I can sync my other gear to.

However, I noticed that the resulting BPM it produces oscillates rapidly between +-10 BPM. After speaking with the developers, they informed me that Waveclock is geared for VJing not syncing music programs and that this accuracy is  more important to them than the stability I am looking for is.

Therefore, I'd like to write a MIDI-OX script to smooth out Waveclock. Maybe I can take the last 10 midi clock signals from Waveclock, put them in an array, and then use the median value in the array to sync my other gear.

Can anyone point me to useful resources / information that can help me in my quest here?


Title: Re: stabilizing Waveclock with Midi-OX script
Post by Breath on Dec 2nd, 2013, 8:12pm
I am unaware of a way you can use MidiOx to do what you want to.

You talk about arrays so perhaps you might understand how to program.

What you need to do is have one thread outputting the clock pulse according to stop, start and tempo value.

Use another thread to read the Midi clock pulse from Waveclock via MidiYoke and, as you said, have a sliding window of values that are averaged.
That average is placed into the Tempo variable of the other thread.
This thread should also handle the screen to change the number of clocks you use for the average as well as a stop/start button. Perhaps you could even display the tempo value.

You could then use MidiOx and MidiYoke to route and merge the data if needed.

You might be able to build something in Max if your are not familiar with programming.

Best of luck

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