Title: Korg padKONTROL in Native mode Post by raintalk on Oct 12th, 2008, 4:59pm The Korg padKONTROL has a "Native" mode, where every button pushed and knob turned will send a mini 9 byte sysex of data. This is handy when you want to use everything including the buttons that don't normally send MIDI data. The problem is I can't see a way in MIDI-OX to translate mini sysex into normal MIDI messages? But thankfully it has a scripting interface that can do this. I wrote a script example. I thought I would post it here in case there are others looking into this. I basically translate the sysex to normal midi where I can remap it as I want. I know about commercial tools for the padKontrol that do this, but they all seem to have limitations or just one host application in mind, with Midi-OX I can do anything for any application. Korg padKontrol Sysex info can be found here under "useful sysex strings": http://kpkproject.twoday.net/ And http://static.twoday.net/kpkproject/files/Padkontrol-Sysex-Imp.pdf The perl is perlscript 5.10 from ActiveState. The only reason I use perlscript is my familiarity with it. There's no other good reason to use it over python, vb, or javascript, that I know of. I have to split the script into several posts due to its size. Set the midi-in and out as indicated in the script. Write this script out as padKontrol.pls, then just run it. Just an example, works for me, YMMV, hope this helps someone. |
Title: Re: Korg padKONTROL in Native mode (part 2) Post by raintalk on Oct 12th, 2008, 5:01pm --------------------------------------- # perlscript # Not shown below, Set: # Midi-In "padKONTROL 1 Port A" # Midi-out "padKONTROL CTRL 1" and any other port you want # use feature qw(switch); my $mox = $WScript->CreateObject("Midiox.MoxScript.1", "Sink_"); die "can't start Mox" if ! defined $mox; #use strict; use constant SP => " "; #A Space use constant SYSEX_START => 'f0'; use constant SYSEX_END => SP.'f7'; # With a Space # Always the same for padKontrol use constant PK_HEADER => SYSEX_START.SP.'42 40 6e 08 '; # Some common Sysex's for padKontrol use constant PkStartNativeMode => 'F0 42 40 6E 08 00 00 01 F7'; use constant PkStartSysex=>'F0 42 40 6E 08 3F 2A 00 00 05 05 05 7F 7E 7F 7F 03 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 F7'; use constant PkAllLightsOn => 'F0 42 40 6e 08 3f 0a 01 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 03 38 38 38 F7'; use constant PkAllLightsOff => PK_HEADER.'f0 42 40 6e 08 3f 0a 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 '.SP.SYSEX_END; use constant { PkRotary => 0x43, PkPad => 0x45, PkKnob => 0x49, PkButton => 0x48, PkPedal => 0x47, PkXY => 0x4B, PkXYButton => 32, LIGHT_CMD => PK_HEADER.SP.'01'.SP, LED_CMD => PK_HEADER.SP.'22 04 00', LIGHT_ON => ' 20', LIGHT_BLINK => ' 63', LIGHT_OFF => ' 00', LIGHT_FLASH => ' 44', LightPkDec01 => 0x6f, LightPkDec02 => 0x77, LightPkDec03 => 0x7f, LightPkKnob1Assign=>0x1d, LightPkKnob2Assign=>0x1e, LIGHT_TOGGLE=>0xff, # Not a real value used to toggle the light }; # Midi Constants use constant { CHANNEL_PRESSURE => 0xD0, CONTROL_CHANGE => 0xB0, NOTE_OFF => 0x80, NOTE_ON => 0x90, PITCH_BEND => 0xE0, POLY_PRESSURE => 0xA0, PROGRAM_CHANGE => 0xC0, # You get the idea ... }; # Hash to hold status of lights my $lights = {}; $mox->SendSysexString(PkStartNativeMode); $mox->SendSysexString(PkStartSysex); $mox->SendSysexString(PkAllLightsOn); sleep 1; $mox->SendSysexString(PkAllLightsOff); # Turn the top 8 Pad lights on. light(LIGHT_ON,0); light(LIGHT_ON,1); light(LIGHT_ON,2); light(LIGHT_ON,3); light(LIGHT_ON,4); light(LIGHT_ON,5); light(LIGHT_ON,6); light(LIGHT_ON,7); # setting up a min and max for the LED display as you turn the rotary encoder my $minLED = 0; my $maxLED = 99; my $currentLED = $minLED; setLED(sprintf("%03d",$currentLED)); $mox->{FireMidiInput} = 1; $mox->{DivertMidiInput} = 1; $WScript->Echo('Click "OK" to end MidiOx'); $mox->{DivertMidiInput} = 0; |
Title: Re: Korg padKONTROL in Native mode (part 3) Post by raintalk on Oct 12th, 2008, 5:02pm sub Sink_SysExInput { my $data = $_[0]; #Everything comes in as a single string. my $data = [map {hex($_)} split(/ /,$data)]; #Split it into an array. my $type = $data->[5] ; # Header is 0 .. 4, 5 is the command type. given($type) { when(PkPad) { my $pad; my $vel = $data->[7]; if ( $data->[6] < 64 ) { #Note off - the pad == the pad number $pad = $data->[6]; light(LIGHT_TOGGLE,$pad); $mox->OutputMidiMsg(-1,NOTE_OFF,$pad,$vel); } else { #Note on - the pad == the pad number - 64 (?) $pad = $data->[6] - 64; light(LIGHT_TOGGLE,$pad); $mox->OutputMidiMsg(-1,NOTE_ON,$pad,$vel); } } when([PkButton, pkpedal]) { my $which = $data->[6]; my $vel = $data->[7]; # When a button is pushed a velocity > 64 is note on. my $noteOn = $vel > 64 ? 1 : 0; if ($which != PkXYButton ) { # Ignore if it's the XY pad. # The switch number is the number + 16 $which += 16; if ($noteOn) { light(LIGHT_TOGGLE,$which); $mox->OutputMidiMsg(-1,NOTE_ON,$which,$vel); } else { light(LIGHT_TOGGLE,$which); $mox->OutputMidiMsg(-1,NOTE_OFF,$which,$vel); } } else { light(LIGHT_FLASH,LightPkDec02); } } when(PkXY) { my ($x,$y) = ($data->[7],$data->[8]); # Do something with this } when(PkRotary) { my ($x,$y) = ($data->[7],$data->[8]); if ( $data->[7] == 1 ) { $currentLED++ if $currentLED < $maxLED; light(LIGHT_FLASH,LightPkDec01); } else { $currentLED-- if $currentLED > $minLED; light(LIGHT_FLASH,LightPkDec03); } setLED(sprintf("%03d",$currentLED)); } when(PkKnob) { my $knob = $data->[6]; my $outknob = $knob == 1 ? 10 : 20; my $value = $data->[7]; $mox->OutputMidiMsg(-1,CONTROL_CHANGE,$outknob,$value); light(LIGHT_FLASH,LightPkKnob1Assign + $knob); } default {} } } # Sub to turn on, off, blink, and flash lights. # The external hash $lights stores the current light states. # Toggle with toggle on off lights on, or an on light off sub light { my $cmd = $_[0]; my $light = sprintf("%02x",$_[1]); if ($cmd == LIGHT_TOGGLE) { if ($lights->{$light} == LIGHT_ON ) { $lights->{$light} = LIGHT_OFF; $cmd = LIGHT_OFF; } elsif ($lights->{$light} == LIGHT_OFF ) { $lights->{$light} = LIGHT_ON; $cmd = LIGHT_ON; } else { $cmd = LIGHT_FLASH; } } elsif ($cmd != LIGHT_FLASH ) { $lights->{$light} = $cmd; } $mox->SendSysexString(LIGHT_CMD.$light.SP.$cmd.SYSEX_END); }; # Sub to set the characters in the 3 segment LED display. # Not all characters are readible. You can also set individual segments with the light command above. sub setLED { my @c = @_; if (scalar @c < 2 ) { @c = split //,$c[0]; } $lights{LED} = sprintf "%02x %02x %02x", ord $c[0], ord $c[1], ord $c[2]; $mox->SendSysexString(LED_CMD.$lights{LED}.SYSEX_END); }; |
Title: Re: Korg padKONTROL in Native mode Post by jodeci on Jan 16th, 2009, 9:47am Hi Raintalk Thanks for this....it's just what I have been looking for. I have purchased NativeKontrol but that is geared towards specific apps. As I'm new to scripting could you just run through the steps of the parameters I need to change to get this working. Thanks J |
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