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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Beta Bugs >> Does not like Cubase 5.1
(Message started by: B.V.S on Aug 21st, 2003, 2:22am)

Title: Does not like Cubase 5.1
Post by B.V.S on Aug 21st, 2003, 2:22am
For some reason, the only time I encounter drama with this beta is when using Cubase. The program agrees with my other software but when it comes to Cubase, lockups and frazzle are bound to occur.

I'm not sure what action(s) cause this because it seems to happen randomly but I'll try to describe:

1. Win2K loads MIDIOX
2. Open Cubase song
3. Work on the song for 10-25 minutes
4. Cubase begins to stutter even though latency is maxed
5. Close Cubase
6. Cubase wont close
7. Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close Cubase
8. Slam hands on Triton keyboard in frustration
9. Notice no MIDI activity in System Tray
10. Open MIDIOX
11. MIDIOX wont open
12. Close MIDIOX
13. MIDIOX wont close
14. Ctrl+Alt+Del to close
15. Reload MIDIOX
16. Reload Cubase
17. 10-25 minutes later...Rinse and Repeat

This only happens to Cubase and none of the other software.

After the most recent episode MIDIOX did not get stuck so I've copied the Monitor text. Is this the log you need to see? :

FYI: I did'nt use any Cubase MIDI features other than position and clock. So why is Pitch Bend listed?

Opened MIDI Input
Opened MIDI Output
00093F4C   8  10     E0    00    40    1  ---  Pitch Bend            
00093F4D   8  10     D0    00    --    1  ---  Channel Aft          
00093F4E   8  10     B0    01    00    1  ---  CC: Modulation        
00093F4F   8  10     B0    7B    00    1  ---  CC: All Notes Off    
00093F50   8  10     B0    40    00    1  ---  CC: Pedal (Sustain)  
00093F51   8  10     E1    00    40    2  ---  Pitch

And it repeats itself for the entire length of the session.

Thanks for your effort.

Title: Re: Does not like Cubase 5.1
Post by Jamie OConnell on Aug 24th, 2003, 2:41pm
The messages shown look like a reset in progress.  The messages are being sent on each millisecond tick, and would cause slowdown if they continue indefinitely.  The last message indicates the beginning of channel 2 messages, and I would expect this series to end after channel 16.  If it continues past that, I would suspect some type of MIDI feedback problem.  Bend is being sent because it is being reset to center.

Title: Re: Does not like Cubase 5.1
Post by B.V.S on Aug 24th, 2003, 8:39pm
OK. perhaps Cubase doesn't like the beta. So how does one prevent feedback? Is there a way to detect it before a lockup?

Another thing I've noticed is when MIDIOX is disabled, Cubase will not open all the way. It will splash and then crash unless MIDIOX is running. Pretty wierd huh, any ideas?

Title: Re: Does not like Cubase 5.1
Post by B.V.S on Aug 26th, 2003, 10:15pm
This is getting to be a real problem.

First its wierd activities that are said to be feedback...then I disable MIDI out in Cubase and the same wierdness continues.

Something I noticed when tweaking Cubase is that none of the MIDIYoke inputs are available. They don't even show up but MIDIYoke outputs do.

Please tell me I don't have to uninstall MIDIOX/Yoke before I use Cubase, then reinstall them when I'm finished with Cubase.

What a pain that would be especially when I bounce from app to app...

Title: Re: Does not like Cubase 5.1
Post by B.V.S on Aug 26th, 2003, 10:20pm

on 08/24/03 at 14:41:43, Jamie OConnell wrote:
The messages shown look like a reset in progress.  The messages are being sent on each millisecond tick, and would cause slowdown if they continue indefinitely.  The last message indicates the beginning of channel 2 messages, and I would expect this series to end after channel 16.  If it continues past that, I would suspect some type of MIDI feedback problem.  Bend is being sent because it is being reset to center.

Yeah it causes slowdown and continues beyond ch 16. Bend isn't even being used so why would it need to be reset?

I realize wierd things can happen with MIDI but all I'm doing is pressing play, stop, and rewind. Those messages don't show but functions I'm not using do.


Title: Re: Does not like Cubase 5.1
Post by Jamie OConnell on Sep 14th, 2003, 5:24pm
It sounds as though MIDI data is being routed continually inside Cubase.  Make sure you don't have the same MIDI Yoke port opened for both input and output within Cubase.  If you're using an earlier version of Cubase, I think they have a SetupMME utility that can be used to prevent opening both ends of a MIDI Yoke port inside the app (disable either the input or output end of each MIDI Yoke).

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