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MIDI-OX >> MIDI-OX Beta Bugs >> Beta 7: Data mapping not remembered
(Message started by: Dave_Windsor on Jul 26th, 2002, 4:37pm)

Title: Beta 7: Data mapping not remembered
Post by Dave_Windsor on Jul 26th, 2002, 4:37pm
The data mapping is not saved when I close and restart midiox. Also the "Activate" check is not remembered.

In 6.4.2 this works as it should.

Cheers, Dave

Title: Re: Beta 7: Data mapping not remembered
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jul 26th, 2002, 9:44pm
It seems to be working OK for me in 6.4.9.  By Activate are you referring to whether the map is On or not?  If so, that seems to be working as well.  Is it possible that you are launching MIDI-OX with a profile (.INI) or other Data file?

The Map state should be saved to a file in the MIDI-OX application directory named, _MOXSYSMAP1.oxm (the number is the MIDI-OX instance number).  Check to make sure that the MIDI-OX directory is not read-only and that the file in question is not read-only.  It's file data and time should reflect the last time you closed MIDI-OX (provided it is launched without any configuration arguments).

Title: Re: Beta 7: Data mapping not remembered
Post by Dave_Windsor on Jul 27th, 2002, 8:26am
Yes, I meant the 'On' checkbox.

I was not launching midiox with a profile or datafile. I put a copy of the midiox shortcut in the Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup folder.

Some things were remembered (systray setting, attached midi ports), but the Data Mapping was not.

System: w98se

Cheers, Dave

Title: Re: Beta 7: Data mapping not remembered
Post by Jamie OConnell on Jul 28th, 2002, 12:50am
Please note the Data and Time for the file _MOXSYSMAP1.oxm before launching MIDI-OX.  Then run the program check the Map, modify it, Press OK to save it, and then exit.  Does the Data and time update for _MOXSYSMAP1.oxm?  

If so, relaunch MIDI-OX and see if the Map is the same as you left it.  Please do this by launching MIDI-OX via the start menu or the icon on the desktop.

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