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   Nothing obeys MIDI commands save system sounds
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   Author  Topic: Nothing obeys MIDI commands save system sounds  (Read 1511 times)
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Nothing obeys MIDI commands save system sounds
« on: Jun 5th, 2008, 12:47am »
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Dear Anyone.
Not saying this is a prob. with MIDI Yoke as such, because I don't know what the heck's going on! But in this hotbed of MIDI genius SOMEONE must have a clue.  
I have to use a notation package/mouse to write everything because I'm disabled, can't play a keyboard. OK.  
So I open up Voyetra Music Maestro (notation package.) I open up Virtual Piano (source of sounds - but this prob. hits ALL sound sources.) I send MIDI instructions OUT through MIDI Yoke 2. (Or 1, doesn't matter.) In Virtual Piano, I choose MIDI Yoke 2 as the MIDI IN cable.  
Hope that's right so far!  
Anyway. I can put volume on 1, Velocity/Attack on 2 and everything STILL plays on 127. It's flatly taking no notice of the MIDI commands. Unless I put Velocity on 1, or 0. Then the sound stops altogether. Put it back onto 2, and it thinks it's on 127 again.  
I also have Reason. If I MIDI Yoke Voyetra Music Maestro to Reason, everything's far too QUIET. I mean, I've got the sounds in MusicWrite on 127 (genuinely set to 127 this time), I'm bunging maximisers/velocity/the kitchen sink at the sounds in Reason and you can JUST about hear them with the volume on full blast!  
My soundcard's an M-Audio Audiophile 2496. My comp. runs at 1.8ghz. I have 200gig hard drive spare. 1gig RAM.
I'm not saying this is specifically a MIDI Yoke problem, but anyone know what the heck's going on? You can't write music if you can't control volume levels!  
Last, puzzling bit. If I'm NOT using MIDI Yoke, but just outputting to the not-good wavetable sounds that come with XP, everything USUALLY works fine. Perfect obeyance of MIDI commands. Every so often, though, one sound will fall 'off the wagon' and stop obeying MIDI commands, for no apparent reason. One moment, full obeyance. Next moment - no obeyance. All I've done in the interim is add more notes!  
I'm stumped. I'm hoping someone here won't be. This one has stumped every so-called sound engineer in my area - they won't even answer the phone to me now Sad
Yours hopefully
P.S. Yes, I've checked the volume sliders on the sound card control panel and they are indeed all on full. But when you've MIDI Yoked to Virtual Piano (not Reason) you can slide the control panel sliders up and down and that won't change the volume level either. Reason THINKS it's on 127. It's just what it thinks 127 is seems to be INCREDIBLY low.
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Jamie OConnell

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Re: Nothing obeys MIDI commands save system sounds
« Reply #1 on: Jun 5th, 2008, 6:22pm »
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Anyway. I can put volume on 1, Velocity/Attack on 2 and everything STILL plays on 127. It's flatly taking no notice of the MIDI commands. Unless I put Velocity on 1, or 0. Then the sound stops altogether. Put it back onto 2, and it thinks it's on 127 again.  

Yes, I've checked the volume sliders on the sound card control panel and they are indeed all on full. But when you've MIDI Yoked to Virtual Piano (not Reason) you can slide the control panel sliders up and down and that won't change the volume level either. Reason THINKS it's on 127. It's just what it thinks 127 is seems to be INCREDIBLY low.  

I recommend putting MIDI-OX into the loop to see what the actual MIDI Events look like coming out of VPiano.  To route this, have VPiano go out to MIDI Yoke 1.  MIDI Yoke 1 IN to MIDI-OX.  MIDI Yoke 2 Out from MIDI-OX.  MIDI Yoke 2 IN to Maestro.  I am not sure where you route to after that?  I would have to assume some SoftSynth, or a hardware Synth?
You could also put MIDI-OX in the chain after Maestro, to see if the Volume or velocity is altered from the input.
Anyway, Volume is CC:7 and you'll be able to see the velocity on each note too.
« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2008, 6:24pm by Jamie OConnell » IP Logged

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