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   yoke not a substitute for multimid?
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   Author  Topic: yoke not a substitute for multimid?  (Read 1290 times)
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yoke not a substitute for multimid?
« on: Dec 5th, 2002, 12:20pm »
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I used to use the 'multimid' driver to insert SCedit (midi effects software) into the midi signal path to record realtime effects changes in cubase. I upgraded to Win2000 recently, and so downloaded 'midi yoke' hoping that it would do the same job as multimid used to. But I can't get it to work.
Here is what I'm trying to do with midi yoke:
Roland keyboard>midi interface>SCedit>yoke1>Cubase>midi interface>Roland keyboard
If I take 'yoke1>Cubase' out of that chain, it works fine; I hear the effects applied to the keyboard's midi signal in realtime. But Cubase will not record or throughput the sysEx messages which should have been added to the midi data.
What am I doing wrong?
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Jamie OConnell

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Re: yoke not a substitute for multimid?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 5th, 2002, 8:46pm »
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As a diagnostic try substituting MIDI-OX for Cubase.  Do the SysEx events pass through?
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Re: I have lost the battle
« Reply #2 on: Dec 8th, 2002, 7:55am »
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I downloaded midi ox as suggested, but things just went downhill from there.
It was impossible to do any proper testing with two instances of midi ox running because the second one crashed after a few seconds; I don't know why (definitely not due to feedback though).
I tried running some tests with just one instance of midi ox, but soon after the first test my Roland keyboard stopped responding to the SysEx sent to it. After uninstalling and reinstalling all my midi and soundcard drivers (except for yoke and ox), the keyboard still doesn't respond to SysEx, so now I can't even use SCEdit as a standalone application or use SysEx instructions as 'specials' in Cubase tracks.
The puzzling thing is that my Roland does not have 'selectable' SysEx capability; it is always supposed to be on, so I haven't a clue why it has stopped responding. The LED light on my usb interface tells me SysEx is going into the keyboard, but it just isn't reacting to it, even after resetting the keyboard to the factory preset.
Anyway. I give up. I'd be glad to hear your ideas about how *any* of this software (I am not automatically blaming your driver) could permanently affect my keyboard, especially with regard to fixing it!!
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Re: is the nt (beta) driver worth the risk?
« Reply #3 on: Dec 8th, 2002, 8:49am »
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I have just noticed that my system now has several hiccups. It was rock solid before and now:
-some menu shortcuts sometimes fail to open.
-two games (I only have four installed) don't work. One gives errors about loading graphics and one just doesn't make any attempy to load at all [someone else already complained about this too].
-the PC has rebooted twice in the last couple of hours of it's own accord (compared with zero times in the last six months).
-It seems a little sluggish now.
Whether these problems are due directly to something your driver did, or indirectly because I had to reinstall my own drivers, I don't know.
I didn't bargain for all this hassle when I downloaded your driver!! In my case, it was definitely not worth it. Sorry.
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Jamie OConnell

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Re: yoke not a substitute for multimid?
« Reply #4 on: Dec 8th, 2002, 2:11pm »
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I am sorry to hear of your troubles.  All MIDI Yoke does is pass MIDI Events, unmodified, from it's output port back to its input port.  It's not even a kernel mode driver, and Windows itself completely handles its installation and de-installation.  
Roland keyboards often have a config switch to set whether they should react to incoming SysEx or not.  You might want to verify that it is set to receive SysEx.
Spontaneous reboots of Win 2000 would likely only be caused by hardware failure or a corrupt kernel mode driver.  The only software I have heard of that reboots Win 2000 regularly is the PACE anti-piracy driver, used by Waves, Antares, and others.  It will reboot Win 2000 if it detects a kernel mode debugger, for instance. I believe the name of the driver is TPKD.SYS.  There is more information about this in an article about Waves on PROREC: 0077FBA6
« Last Edit: Dec 8th, 2002, 2:17pm by Jamie OConnell » IP Logged

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Re: yoke not a substitute for multimid?
« Reply #5 on: Dec 19th, 2002, 5:32am »
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I lost everything shortly after posting my last message!
Winlogon produced an error, chkdsk started deleting parts of my registry, until finally after three failed restarts Win2000 wouldn't boot at all.
As you say, it's impossible for your driver to have directly done this; more likely that Win2000 didn't like what I was doing with the drivers (although I thought what  was doing was perfectly reasonable!). On searching the Net I see that a handful of people have had the exact same symtoms occur, although they didn't mention anything about installing drivers at the time it happened.
After 'repair' and 'console' failed, I slaved my hard drive to a friends computer, rescued my data files, formatted and re-installed Win2000 with generic drivers.
BUT, when I tried to install all my own drivers this morning, guess what? After installing a handful of them, I get a Winlogon error, and chkdsk starts deleting my registry... deja vu.
Mi Madre! Anyway, off topic for this board. I'll seek assistance in a more appropriate forum.
Thanks for your help with yoke.
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Posts: 5
Re: memory fault
« Reply #6 on: Dec 28th, 2002, 4:14pm »
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Just for information, my problems seem to have been due to a bad memory stick. I don't know if messing around with yoke and the other drivers triggered a worsening of the fault, or whether it was pure co-incidence that the memory decided to give up at that point.
I don't know if I will pluck up the courage to try yoke again!
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Jamie OConnell

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Gender: male
Posts: 2027
Re: yoke not a substitute for multimid?
« Reply #7 on: Dec 30th, 2002, 1:58pm »
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I'm glad you figured out the problem.  In general, software cannot harm hardware.  
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