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   BAsic Remapping help needed
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   Author  Topic: BAsic Remapping help needed  (Read 2215 times)
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BAsic Remapping help needed
« on: May 17th, 2020, 12:02am »
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I am new to MIDI, and need some help.  I am have an APK-mini and a Launchpad MK2.
They will be used for creating user defined shortcuts fr a program to each of the keys.
My problem is that they are both overlapping, so when I press on a button on the Launchpad, its the same as pressing a button on the APK.
I have read in user forums that I must remap with midi-ox.  I've been trying for hours to figure this out, and can't.
Can someone provide me with some really basic help on this ?  I'm really lost!
This is what another successful user found, but I can't figure out how to di it and was not able to get a reply from this user in the forum where I found this since it  was an old post.
"I finally understood my mistake in trying to make it work!
I have 1 APC40 MKII and 1 APC Mini and I didn't realized at first that I had to remap both controllers.
I was keeping the APC40 MKII without any mapping so this was interfering with the other controller producing a weird behaviour that was puzzling me.
Since the APC40 MKII works on channels 1 to 9 this is what I did:
On APC40 MKII just remapped channel 1 on channel 11 (2 to 9 are not overlapping)
On APC Mini remapped channel 1 to channel 10 (the first free channel)
Added some filters here and there to prevent cross talking
So now everything works like a charm!"
So ... basics of remapping are lost on me!
Any help would be really appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 17th, 2020, 2:40pm by pprusak » IP Logged


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Re: BAsic Remapping help needed
« Reply #1 on: May 19th, 2020, 1:25am »
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I don't have an APK of any sort, but I do have 2 launchpads (ver 1)
The hardware is just 8x8  + 8 round switches (72) that outputs (always on channel 1) different Midi Note ON messages.
Press down and it is a Note ON key-number 127 (max velocity)
Release Note ON key-number 0 (= Note OFF message)
The key numbers are, starting at the top left and going to the right 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (nine switches)
The next row down is 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 which looks weird and what happened to 9,10,11 etc
It's best to use hexadecimal from now on.
If you understand hexadecimal you will see the key values look like this
00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08  //Row 0 (the first row)
10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18  //Row 1 (the second row)
20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28  //Row 2  
30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38  //Row 3  
40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48  //Row 4  
50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58  //Row 5  
60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68  //Row 6  
70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78  //Row 7 (the last row)
You can think of this hex number, say 35, as in two parts. In this case  3  and 5  
The round switches at the top put out  Continuous Controller (CC) 68 to 6F (104 to 111) messages.
Down again has a value of 7F (127) and release has a value of 0.
This never changes. "But how can Note messages change the volume when volume is CC type 7 ?"
If your program knows it is connected to a Launchpad it can change the expected Note ON message to a CC message
In Live the Mixer volume of the eight parts in focus is controlled by the key hex number  
The Live active area has 8 tracks.  
The first part of the key number sets the value and which track to volume change is the last part of the hex key number
So pressing the top right pad sends Note on key=00 and velocity 7F
When Live gets this key on message (and it knows you are on the Vol mixer page) from the Launchpad it uses the key 00 to say "max volume for the first track"
It ignores the release message with the 00 value.
The bottom left pad sends key number 70, so the volume on the first track to its minimum. (It reverses the value just to make it confusing)
If the tracks were for an external Midi device Live would send out CC 7 (volume) on the channel it is set to with the new track volume as the value.
So you can see that Midi messages can be changed from one type to another, reversing the values or even using one number (the key value in this case) to give 2 bits of information.
This process is "mapping".
If you have two pieces of gear putting out the same messages you need to know which particular device put out this message.
I guess you know to create data maps, so create two maps and save them with different names. (If you don't let me know exactly what you want to map)
I assume you also know how to route Midi input to outputs in the Routing window. (If not let me know what you want to connect)
Use the MidiOx Port Routing window to connect from your APK to your target. On the connecting line there is a box in the centre.
Click on this. On the new box that pops up select your APK data map.
Similarly connect your Launchpad to the target, click this new line box and select your Launchpad Datamap.
Hope that helps
Let me know how you get on.
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